I love the wildlife that passes through our property. There have also been turkey and partridges but my camera is never handy when they pass through. I was so excited to see a moose! And not one but two…a cow and her calf-a young bull. Saw the moose three times, from what I understand they only come down this far when it’s extremely cold up on the mountain top. I see the whitetail deer everyday and still haven’t gotten tired of them. The very first day in the house I turned to see a deer on the back deck peeping in the window (the turkey did that too). I about peed my pants I was so excited! I have many many many more photos, here are just a few , hope you enjoy.
Isn’t she beautiful! JR reaching for tasties
Mother and son Moose on the loose Right off the front porch
High tail it outta there Two yearlings Beautiful doe
Beautiful! I would never get tired either!!!!