Nine Perfect Strangers

Truly Madly Guilty was the first novel by Liane Moriarty that I cracked open, and then I was hooked. I devoured that one and proceeded to binge read all of her existing novels (which is my normal M.O. after I discover a new-to-me author).

Nine Perfect Strangers is her latest addition to my collection. Told from the view points of 12 people during a ten day stay at a wellness center. Their shared experiences along with insights of what put them on the path to Tranquillum House, guests and staff alike, had me laughing, cringing and rooting for most of them to succeed.

It took me a while to get into this one though, the characters all seemed a bit superficial and/or self-absorbed. It wasn’t until the fissures and cracks started showing in their exterior shells that I began to actually like them. The one who exploded the most however was one of the people leading the whole show. What a surprise that was! No more details though, I don’t want to ruin it for anyone.

What did I take away from this book? Don’t judge people by the outside. Don’t assume you know how they are feeling based on the face they choose to show you. People often suffer alone, assuming no one can possibly understand their guilt or pain. Sometimes you have to stop thinking about yourself and start putting the feelings and needs of others ahead of yourself, especially if you want to keep a relationship alive.

Quirky characters, some serious topics, infused with humor, what’s not to like? Not my favorite of her books, but I did eventually enjoy it and would recommend to a friend.